We drive successful heavy civil construction projects with expert site preparation and earthwork solutions.

Successful project groundwork begins with safe and efficient site preparation and earthwork. These initial steps are crucial for setting the stage for all subsequent construction activities, creating a solid foundation for success.
At Forgen, we excel in heavy civil construction, focusing on large-scale infrastructure projects like levees, dams, and other critical systems. From clearing and grubbing to more complex tasks, we partner with clients early in the process to offer value engineering solutions that optimize costs and schedules.
We are dedicated to finding safe, efficient, and most effective methods to complete each job. Our commitment to excellence drives us to engage with clients in preconstruction services, supporting the overall design and implementation of heavy civil and site preparation projects.
Our approach emphasizes early contractor involvement (ECI), where we engage with owners and engineers from the outset. This early collaboration allows us to assess site conditions, evaluate intended outcomes, and recommend the most suitable groundwater control methods. By doing so, we optimize cost and schedule, streamline decision-making, and deliver tailored solutions that address project complexities effectively.
At Forgen, we recognize that clearing and grubbing are crucial for starting a project correctly from both cost and schedule perspectives. Our approach involves detailed pre-planning to ensure sequencing that balances safety, environmental controls, quality, and production. We provide submittals that include schedule narratives and logic to support our sequencing decisions, making major tasks, interdependent variables, and risks visible to our clients.
We own our equipment and self-perform clearing and grubbing, including debris management, disposal, recycling, stockpiling, stormwater control, and overall site restoration. When encountering suspected contaminated material, we proactively identify potential solutions to present to our clients. Our ownership of motor graders, excavators, dozers, and more allows us to complete key tasks in-house, minimizing risks to cost and schedule by fully managing the work ourselves.
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At Forgen, we own and maintain our heavy equipment and employ experienced operators for mass grading, excavation, and earthmoving activities on project sites. We provide self-perform services for pad construction, channel excavations, cut/fill for new building sites, pond/reservoir construction, engineered embankments, consolidation and capping efforts, and wetland habitat contouring. Our earthmoving expertise covers a range of conditions from very dry requiring moisture conditioning to highly saturated marsh environments.
We use GPS-enabled equipment and implement a quality assurance program to ensure our work adheres to specified limits of construction, slopes, surface elevations, compaction standards, and client requirements. In wetlands, marshlands, waterways, and tidal estuaries, we manage surface and groundwater controls, in-situ dewatering, excavation, sediment transport, and backfill operations over poor load-bearing materials. Our experience with equipment mobility and access in marsh environments includes using laminated, timber, or plastic mats for poor load-bearing areas; constructing roadways and causeways with geogrid reinforcing materials, backfill, and crane mats; and in-situ stabilization of roadways. We also use low-ground pressure (LGP) equipment LGP Dozers, and amphibious marsh excavators, miniaturized equipment for tight spaces, conveyors for material conveyance and backfilling, and sediment pumping for conveyance.
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At Forgen, we excel in providing our clients with comprehensive project infrastructure services that cover every aspect of site readiness. Our team has experience managing utility installation, access roads and temporary infrastructure, material transportation infrastructure, and drainage and stormwater management. Our team is experienced in installing critical utilities, including storm sewers, sanitary sewers, and water. These services are vital to the long-term success of the project’s overall infrastructure. Our experience, paired with our owned specialized equipment, allows us to complete projects without delays or disturbances.
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Forgen owns equipment to self-perform erosion control measures around inland waterways, marine, tidal, and construction environments. We work on natural watercourse development to prevent habitat loss, water pollution, and protect landscapes and human-made structures. Our erosion control and slope stabilization measures include soil cover, mulches, vegetation and seeding, rip rap, check dams, silt fencing, erosion control blankets, and anchoring devices like geotextiles, wattles, logs, and mats. Additionally, we use polymers and cement for soil stabilization and manage water features like ditches and ponds.
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Forgen has deep experience in soil improvement techniques ranging from stabilization methodologies such as wick drains to in-situ treatment of subsurface soils and other means to meet the project challenges. We develop problem solving solutions with early contractor involvement to assist the client with value alternatives to save cost and schedule. In-situ stabilization can be either shallow or deep depending on the project requirement. We are well versed in mix designs and/or pilot test programs utilizing a variety of locally available or imported reagents to meet the project needs.
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We develop borrow sites for large horizontal construction projects that require mass quantities of fill material. We have experience in clearing and demucking the borrow areas and completing the drilling and blasting of holes to specified elevations. We process material using crushers and sieves to achieve the required sizes and are adept at ensuring final grades are to specified elevations and slopes.
Forgen is also experienced in strategically sourcing materials both foreign and domestic for import when borrow sources are not readily available. Our material import services include constructing temporary material transportation infrastructure, requiring a well-thought-out logistics plan. Our team is accustomed to working on project sites with little to no room for laydown/maneuvering. Planning and building haul roads, laydown yards, and staging zones enhances the flow and management of materials to keep your project on track.
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We install caps using compacted clay, geomembrane, geosynthetic clay, geocomposite, and geotextile layers, depending on the cap’s purpose and design. For capping projects on landfills or contaminated sites, we utilize materials such as high-density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembrane liners, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sheeting, and low linear density polyethylene (LLDPE) geomembrane liners. Our covers include soil and aggregate layers for erosion control, vegetation support, drainage, and full barrier protection against water or gas vapors.
Forgen constructs soil/drainage covers and low-to-no permeability caps to isolate pollutants and prevent their migration from contaminated sites. These measures are also used for general water and wind erosion control, water filtration, and to support vegetation growth onsite. On remediation sites, capping offers an economical alternative to removing or stabilizing contaminated material, effectively preventing pollutants from entering groundwater or air.
Forgen is experienced in constructing evapotranspirative (ET) covers, as well as other combinations of topsoil, gravel, cobbles, sand, geonets, and geocomposites for cover construction.
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Forgen uses our fleet of excavators, including long reach booms and sticks, to mechanically remove sediments from the shore or from barges in the water. We dewater the removed sediments to pass a paint filter test before hauling them to an approved landfill for disposal. We treat water collected during removal and dewatering onsite and discharge it as permitted or ship it offsite for appropriate disposal. When necessary, we use environmental clamshell buckets to minimize resuspension and the release of residual material.
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Forgen installs and maintains temporary stormwater, soil erosion, and sediment controls on every site according to the developed Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). We also routinely engage in the dewatering of our construction sites to ensure work can begin promptly.
We apply best management practices (BMPs) to prevent and minimize stormwater exposure to pollutants from spills, cleaning and maintenance activities, and soil-disturbing activities. Our drainage controls include berms, ditches, silt fences, and stabilized construction entrances, all of which are maintained regularly and inspected within 24 hours of any rain event. To further mitigate the impacts of high precipitation, FORGEN proactively provides standby pumps to remove nuisance water during periods of heavy rainfall.
Dewatering is often necessary on project sites to create a dry and stable platform for our work, especially in areas experiencing heavy rainfall or with a high-water table. We use a range of dewatering methods, including well point systems, sump pumps, trenches to direct water away from active work areas, and deep wells, when required.
Forgen effectively manages saturated excavated spoils and associated dewatering operations. Once excavated, we dewater sediment using pre-conditioning reagents, geo-tubes, mechanical de-watering, and traditional decanting methods. On many projects, we have constructed sediment decanting, staging, and load-out pads for off-site sediment transport and disposal (T&D).
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Forgen decontaminates, decommissions, and dismantles legacy structures as part of our earthwork, disaster response, and remediation projects. We have experience in selective demolition, including smaller 1- and 2-story buildings, concrete pads, storage tanks, and other industrial process infrastructure. We recycle, salvage, reuse, transfer, or dispose of materials as specified, and we handle contaminated, hazardous, and liquid industrial waste materials for proper disposal.
We own high-reach excavators and attachments, loaders, backhoes, and skid steers, and we have many NCCO trained crane operators to self-perform select demolition or deconstruction activities ancillary to larger remediation, restoration, or site development operations. Our self-performance of a broad range of scopes, including dismantlement, on our projects reduces risk to cost, schedule, and quality for our clients.
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Forgen provides comprehensive debris removal services following natural or human-made disasters. Our services include the excavation, hauling, and proper disposal of soils and sediment, ash, metals, household contents, concrete, vehicles, rocks, vegetation, and contaminated or hazardous materials. We manage the recycling, salvaging, reusing, transferring, or disposal of materials at proper facilities, working closely with clients to identify cost-effective disposal options that optimize schedules.
Beyond debris removal, Forgen excels in the accurate and timely assessment, monitoring, and documentation of debris removal operations. Our meticulous approach ensures that clients meet their intended goals, including cost reimbursement tracking.
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Alternative Delivery
We specialize in delivering projects through alternative contracting methods, aiming to improve quality, reduce costs, enhance efficiency, and manage risks.
Our expertise in heavy civil, geotechnical construction, and environmental remediation allows us to provide innovative solutions with agility. Early stakeholder engagement ensures alignment of project goals, fostering transparency and accountability. By combining technical expertise with innovative problem-solving and strong client communication, we tailor our services to meet each project’s unique challenges, ensuring successful outcomes.