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Forgen is for generations.
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We solve complex challenges through innovative civil, geotechnical and environmental construction solutions.

Driving impactful projects across the U.S. and Canada, we’re passionate about partnering with clients to tackle complex challenges. We continue to expand our services to offer the most comprehensive solutions.

Our Core Values

We Do What We Say

We Are Passionate About Our Work

We Are One Team

We Work Smart

We Work Smart

We do the right thing

We Do The Right Thing

We do what we say
Forgen Construction, Core Values: We Do What We Say
Our Core Values
We Do What We Say
We deliver on our promises, hold ourselves accountable, and are dependable in all we do. Whether members of our team are providing critical internal support functions or managing multi-year projects for our clients, if we make a commitment you can count on us to follow through.
We are passionate about our work
Forgen Geotechnical construction core values: We are passionate about our work

Our Core Values

We Are Passionate About Our Work
We work hard, love what we do, and accept challenges with energy and optimism. Members of our team choose Forgen because they share our mission to build a better tomorrow for future generations.
We Work Smart
Forgen Core Values: We Work Smart

Our Core Values

We Work Smart
Our team of engineers, scientists, and innovators tackle complex client challenges each day. Over the years, our clients have benefited from our unique approaches to cost and time savings, creative delivery strategies, and effective technology applications. We believe that by asking the right questions and simplifying complex ideas, there is no problem we can’t solve.
We are one team
Forgen Geotechnical Construction - Core Values. We are one team.

Our Core Values

We Are One Team
Trust, respect, and open communication are the driving force behind our one team mentality. We know that by working together, leveraging our collective talent and expertise, we can make great things possible for our clients and each other.
We Do The Right Thing
Forgen Core Values: We Do The Right Thing

Our Core Values

We Do The Right Thing
Integrity, honesty, and a commitment to always adhere to our safety and corporate processes and procedures are what set us apart as an employer and a service provider. By providing a safe, transparent workplace we empower our team members to do the right thing above all else.
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Ellen Seale
Ellen Seale
Marketing Manager
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Our core values ring true at Forgen in the office and on the job site. We Do What We Say represents our culture of accountability – to ourselves and to our clients. In an industry like construction, reliability and a commitment to our word mean more than just a check in the box; they represent our people going home safely every day and they represent a finished project that can help us build a better future.

ellen seale
Joe Vazquez
Joe Vazquez
Field Superintendent
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To me, We Are Passionate About Our Work means that my role here is not just a job, but a passionate pursuit where I am fulfilled every day and therefore want to put my best foot forward. When you care about your work and the team’s success, the work becomes enjoyable!

Joe Vazquez, Forgen Field Superintendent
Brett Richmond
Brett Richmond
Executive VP, General Counsel
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We Do What We Say comes into play in our commitment to showing up on time, throughout our daily activities and functions. It’s that ability to be accountable for our actions, that ability for our teammates to have the confidence and faith in us to deliver it.

brett richmond
Richard Heredia
Richard Heredia
Field Superintendent
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To me, We Do the Right Thing signifies consistently making ethical and moral decisions. It reflects a commitment to integrity, honesty, and doing what is morally right, even when faced with challenges or temptations and reinforces the importance of upholding values and principles in all actions and decisions, and serves as a reminder to always strive for ethical excellence.

Richard Heredia
Mary Ehlers
Mary Ehlers
Senior Proposal Manager
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If you’re passionate about your work, you’re doing your best and understand how your work individually contributes to a project, your team, and the company. You ask what you can do to help, what can I take off someone else’s plate to achieve something. You recognize there are no hard lines between your efforts and the efforts of another. You are passionate about your work when you think like One Team.

mary ehlers
John Dudasch
John Dudasch
Chief Operating Officer
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It is really important that we work smart in the construction industry. A couple of key aspects of working smart here at Forgen are to plan our work; when we plan our operations, they are more safely executed and more efficient. For us, working smart means planning our operations and making sure we work in accordance with the plan.

john dudasch
Emily Watkins
Emily Watkins
Recruitment Coordinator
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For me, We Do What We Say is a matter of reliability. A known trust in ourselves and our team that we deliver on our promises and any challenges will be addressed honestly. Honoring commitments with the same common goal of excellence.

emily watkins
James Wilson
James Wilson
Project Superintendent
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My time at Forgen has been exciting. I am grateful to have the opportunity to work with the men and women I work with. I am where I am today because of the people I work with. Working smarter allows one to improve work-life balance. It helps us grow, reduces stress and makes us better. Work Smarter, Work Together.

James Wilson, Forgen Project Superintendent
Matt Marks
Matt Marks
Senior VP of Operations
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One Team is about eliminating the individual ego for the greater good of the team and the company. One Team is about working together, and when one person falls, we pick them up. When one person succeeds, we all succeed and we all revel in those successes. One Team just really means just that. No matter what your role is, you become part of the success of everything we do.

matt marks
Bruce Diettert
Bruce Diettert
CFO, Senior VP Divisional
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At Forgen, we always do the right thing. That means as teammates, we speak candidly, even when it’s hard, and follow through until challenges are solved.It’s important in the construction industry to have honesty and integrity. We don’t want anybody to feel like they can’t say anything or like they’re going to get in trouble for saying the right things, for having that honest conversation.

Bruce Diettert, Forgen CFO, Senior VP Divisional
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Ellen Seale, Forgen Marketing Manager
Ellen Seale, Forgen Marketing Manager
Ellen Seale, Forgen Marketing Manager
Ellen Seale, Forgen Marketing Manager
Ellen Seale, Forgen Marketing Manager
Ellen Seale, Forgen Marketing Manager
Ellen Seale, Forgen Marketing Manager
Ellen Seale, Forgen Marketing Manager
Matt Marks, Forgen
Matt Marks, Forgen
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Zeek Wilson
Forgen is for the environment, for people, for generations
Video: Elevate
At Forgen, every day we show up with purpose.
Paul Medrano
Tailgate Talk: Paul Medrano, construction manager
Video: Paul Medrano
Tailgate talk with Forgen Construction Manager.
Palmer Behles
Tailgate talk: Palmer Behles, Safety & Health Director
Video: Palmer Behles
Tailgate talk with Forgen Safety & Health Director.
Zeek Wilson
Zeek Williams, Forgen Construction Manager
Video: Zeek Wilson
Tailgate talk with Forgen Construction Manager.
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